Revising the Revisionist


“there are flies in your ice cream”

“I know”

“and your still gonna eat it?”

“uhh, yeah … why let a few nusciances ruin such delicious colors. besides, if I threw it out and got more, there would eventually be flies in that, too …

why? do you not want art if it’s not to your taste?”

“taste? what does ice cream have to do with art?”


taste Is the variable which presupposes all art. No matter how successful art maybe upon the critical level or the monetary level, or both – there will always be this thing we call taste, which Marcel Duchamp called the algebraic variable in the equation of art. 

there is no accounting for it. Perhaps it is what we referred to as the “sublime”. that unexplainable thing that hits us and we know that it’s working for us. of course taste is never confined to the art world. it permeates the clothes you wear the food you eat the car you drive the things you may watch on television and movies you see the books you read down to the beverages you drink and the size and color of your toilet seat. 

but do we go to other people’s homes and tell them that their toilet seat is the wrong color,  that the show they are watching on television is not funny, and do we tell them that that brand of beer is unacceptable? sure we may scoff privately over the shoes another person is wearing, or we may even envy them, but do we vocalize it? sometimes, perhaps. but not without a strong grasp on the facts of the situation which has you questioning the taste of another individual or group of individuals. after all, we may be laughing at the choices made by another without realizing that there is great sentiment attached to them, they are a result of monetary insufficiency, or simple lack of experience. 

we are at a spoon on the trail … a knife in the river … a fork in the Gulf Stream when it comes to art, and I am certain we have been for some time and will be from here on out. to make claim to something – a movement before it has been established, and established on grounds of blatant ignorance which stands to uproot the very thing which is being forced to grow seems incredible, yet considering the state of education, the lack of art and art discourse in all communities, and the attitude of privelage and within the culturally bankrupted individual and those sheeple that are looking to fit-in, it’s fully expected. 

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