I’ve been pretty busy with keeping my brain distracted from the relentless pain I have been experiencing for nearly five years now without much of a break at all.

The following is a manuscript based on a new work of fiction which places the first person narrative in the form of a WordPress blogger:

I am tempted to find something good or a trade off for what things were like before the neuropathy and other mystery diagnosis that affect my feet and lower legs, but I just can’t find one. Maybe I spend more time breaking down the few iOS apps that simulate the fine art painting experience until I have a flowing vernacular of autobiographical work to represent the other horror going on in conjunction with all of this, which is fair to say is the most unjust ridiculous event of my life. But I have a very difficult time saying that anything good will come out of this monstrosity of human behavior and the permitted level of greed that has my family gone from taking care that things are operating smoothly for the level of amenities that certain ppl have grown to take for granted in their isolationist rise to the top of a social order that lacks other people to the very real situation we are now in that has homelessness right around the corner … and all at the hands of those who say they love my wife and child. not me, but that’s nothing NEW in fact it has been verbalized that I should “just die given the onset of my medical condition. 

It has taken quite a toll and taken everything we had built financially to be within grasp of a house payment when things changed by the force of a bulldozing fool guided by the strange jealous pretense of his wife who operates on alcohol and some elaborate fantasy involving her “inheritance” and the idea that she controls everything after their father dies .. a mirage of a morbid fantasy carried over from high school where all progress of maturity halted with the beginning of an unending addiction to the alcohol drug (I refuse to make any distinction that separates alcohol from all other drugs, since by its nature is just another chemical that acts on the pleasure centers of the brain that is often “abused”. because of the difficulty in associating alcohol with any minority group during prohibition; cocaine was associated  with African Americans, cannabis was associated with Mexican Americans, opiates were associated with Chinese Americans, and alcohol was most prolific in the European American – which is the standard cultural Amnesiatic American Creed. 


mixed media (simulated) on paper (digital)
(simulated)watercolor, ink, paint, white-out on paper (virtual)
pen, ink, marker, photographs, glue, graphite, acrylic paint, tape, matte medium (simulated) on paper (digital)
shitting all over everything everytime it opens its mouth is NOTHING NEW
(virtual) mixed media – pen, ink, pastel, paint stick, photographs, glue, acrylic, oil on (fake) linen
mixed associative media on transcendental binary code
(digital) oil on (digital) canvas
oil on linen (simulated)

This is a very small cross-section of recent work. if there is given interest in any pieces I post I may begin printing a very limited run of 2-10 of select pieces. check back for more “ART”.

*keeping my wits about me through the physical pain and watching my wife hide in a closet for months, feeling that she had lost her family in favor of a psychopath that had been handed a position (which she saved from complete shutdown over disqualification for bad credit) harassed her in ways that no one would believe, simply because they defy logic and make a seriously strong case that this person lacks a conscious .. and/or the fear of exposure for what identity has always been there, but never aloud to be known. At least I have never lived a lie. What I am is what I am … it would be conducive for certain ppl to stop attempting to attach some identity on me that is the antithesis of reality and start trying to listen to those that actually know me or better yet … find out from me.



As we agree to new stipulations regarding the places we upload and share the music we create … for free … there is a newly felt oddness that has crept into my 5 or 6 soundcloud accounts that make me feel like they don’t want me having 5 or 6 different accounts.
But the issue is that I have several “bands” to upload; stuff from the past. A LOT of it. as well as a constant flow of new music that may be created by myself only, but there are major differences in several approaches I take to creating the stuff I create, which I just cannot upload all under one name. so what is the answer?


I was told yea5s ago to ditch soundcloud for YouTube in light of the rights you retain to your content and the accessibility that YouTube has over soundcloud. so I’m following Elton Ridge’s advice and starting to do simple garagebandmobile uploads to (one or two of my) YouTube (channels). there’s just a photo to chose as a static image place holder, but that’s fine … it’s MUSIC and should be heard, to seen.

CLICK HERE for my new audio music piece


    Final Cut Pro video .. cut “pro” specifically for the song

that accompanies the visuals.

A TREASURE of Interviews and explanations of ART by Marcel Duchamp

MARCEL DUCHAMP interviews: Art Defined; by fact and reasoning.


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I’m so unaware of where this stuff is coming from and have a hard time believing that I created the stuff when I listen back as the process is somewhat “deaf” & DEf!,
So keep your diapers on for about a 1/4 of an hour and hold on



Son Of Mr. Green Genes is the song that gave me Moldy Sauerkraut …
That guitar solo around 1:30 in does it everytime, then its just ludicrous

siamese siamese kitten kitten
When Kevin B’Hoe the snowshoe siamese siamese kitten kitten was attached at the face face for the first 9 months 9 months of life life, we were in serious contemplation to keep him as such due to the humor involve and how soft soft he was was